Depreciation and loss prevention/security officer services

Are you a business owner? 

Running a business is complex - the bigger the business and the more departments it includes - the more complicated it is to control it. 

Preventing depreciation is a complex task many business owners don`t know how to deal with; at some point there is no other choice but to use a professional service to solve the problem. 

"The Israeli Investigation Company" solves the problem of loss and depreciation once and for all. We conduct risk surveys to map the breach points and produce a detailed procedures book tailored to the specific business, to prevent future depreciation. If necessary, we also can provide security officer services for your business. 


Employee Theft Investigation:

Can you trust your employees?

Employees and employers share a unique relationship - people who spend a considerable number of hours every day, working towards a mutual goal. This daily interaction creates trust and closeness.  

In a utopian world, an employer would be 100% confident in the reliability and integrity of employees. But in the complex economic and social reality we live in – business owners must always be on guard. 

Even though we put so much energy in recruiting high-quality personnel, both in small businesses and large enterprises, there is always the danger of an employee stealing product inventories, misappropriating funds or transferring critical data to competitors. 

In most cases, employee theft occurs due to a difficult financial situation or other personal issue, so even the most dedicated, hardworking employee is capable of stealing under certain circumstances. 

Therefore, even if you don`t suspect the problem exists in your enterprise, "The Israeli Investigation Company" highly recommends conducting a compliance risk survey.  Even if everything is in perfect order, this kind of survey can deter the less dedicated employees and significantly strengthen those who are.


Copyright Infringement

Invented a patent and feel it`s being "stolen" from you?

Copyright is a very complex area, as usually it is very difficult to prove who came up with an idea. 

If the situation is resulting in a claim, you need to make sure you are fully prepared so you get what is rightfully yours.

Using rigorous evidence collection by its field agents, "The Israeli Investigation Company" will build the optimal legal basis required for a legal solution. 


Employment Eligibility Verification

Is his resume reliable? 

In some cases candidates present impressive resumes, describing themselves as having vast local & international professional experience in addition to recommendations by senior executives, while in reality these descriptions are exaggerated or even completely false. 

Based on this misrepresentation, these candidates are recruited for senior positions and may cause severe losses and perhaps even bankruptcy while spending company money. 

"The Israeli Investigation Company" offers a comprehensive background check on candidate resumes and relevant professional experience, verifying the reason for leaving his previous place of employment and providing any other vital information that may assist in determining the level of risk in his recruitment.